Loose Change
Name: Elsie Lewins.
Birthday: August 8, 1883 (16 years old)
Nickname: Boston
Story behind nickname: Elsie has a thick Bostonian accent; it's often the first thing people notice about her.
Hometown: South Boston, MA
History: Whatever it is, Elsie doesn't talk about it. When cornered, all she says is that she ran into some trouble and it was easier to skip town than to work it out.
Family members: None
Appearance: Elsie is pale, even in the summer, but gets frequent sunburns. She has a slightly oversized nose, and curly black hair that frizzes when it's humid out. Her eyes are hazel, leaning towards green. She's extremely short--only 5'2".
Personality: For a newsgirl, Elsie is well educated: she reads and writes well, and can do math in her head up to 12x12. She's perhaps a little too proud of that, often coming across as downright snobby, especially about her sizable vocabulary. It doesn't help that she's not very patient, especially not with anyone she considers willfully stupid. She's also a little stand-offish, not likely to start up conversations, but she does like to listen to people around her talk. It means she knows a lot of secrets, but she'd never share them without permission. When she speaks, she tends to be blunt.
Bad habits: Elsie is a tightwad, who saves and hides her money. She refuses to borrow or loan money as a result. She also bites her nails.
Significant other: None -- yet. She has a lot of tension with Blink, much to her great irritation, as she soundly considers him to be an idiot.
Other: Elsie's most prized possession is her mother's wedding ring, which she often wears around her neck on a piece of twine. She also has horrible seasonal allergies.