The fact of the matter was, Racetrack had a Napoleon complex.
[For the Refuge's Secret Santa Slash. PG. Slash/fluff. December '04.]
A color and a relationship.
[For the Refuge's Spring Secret Slash. G. Slash/fluff. March '05.]
Cold Snap
The weather takes a drastic turn for the worse on Christmas Eve, leaving Blink out in the storm.
[For the Refuge's Secret Santa Slash. PG. Slash/fluff. December '05.]
Health Class
Spot's class has a guest teacher for the human sexuality unit, and Racetrack is wildly inappropriate.
[For the Refuge's Spring Secret Slash. PG. Slash/fluff. March '06.]
For Spot, snowball fights are deadly serious.
[For the Refuge's Secret Santa Slash. G. Slash/fluff. December '06.]
Between His Toes
New York was a city of extremesso cold the homeless died outside in the winter, so hot they'd faint in the summer.
[For the Refuge's Summer Secret Slash. G. Slash/fluff. July '07.]
Of Ego and Eggnog
Spot gives Race an unexpected Christmas present.
[For the Refuge's Secret Santa Slash. PG. Slash/fluff. December '07.]
David gets detention.
[For the Refuge's Back-to-School exchange. PG. Slash/fluff. Fall '08.]
And Carrots
Bumlet's and Dutchy help prepare the lodging house's Christmas dinner.
[For the Refuge's Secret Santa Slash. PG. Slash/fluff. December '08.]
Dog Days
Jack and David talk about summer's impending end.
[For the Refuge's Lazy Days of Summer Secret Slash. PG. Slash/fluff. August '09.]