What is all this?

This site is the home of an original, ongoing fantasy story (The Saga of Moon & Sun) and many things connected to it. It's told in a format usually described as original anime or web serial; that is to say, it's a fully original story with a slight anime influence, told in an episodic format but with a definite ending in mind. It is fully original (not fanfiction) and written as a story, not script, though there are places where one would find the credits or commercials if it was a TV show.

I've been writing about this particular world, Temira, since seventh grade, which is about nine years now. I chose to concentrate on the island portion of Temira about three years ago, created the site, and I've been going strong since then.

The story itself revolves around two islands, Arpiar (the Island of the Sun) and Kalatsu (the Island of the Moon) and the war going on between them. It is, at it's core, a combination of fantasy and romance. Over arching themes include love, family, religion and loyalty.

The story does contain mature themes and, while never terribly graphic, implies a lot. Any episodes that would rate over PG are labeled as such, please use your own (or a parent's) discretion. Thanks.

There's more on the site than just the story. There are also character profiles, pictures, information about the world of Temira, and more. While the site's primary focus is the story, I'm always creating and adding new features.

So come in, look around, and drop me an email if you like. I hope everyone enjoys reading the site as much as I like making it. :)

