"It's orange."
"It's pink."
"No. Boots's shirt is pink. Skittery and Swifty're wearing pink. Morris Delancey is wearing pink. I am wearing orange."
"It looks like pink to me."
"Shut up, Mush."
"You shut up, Blink."
"And anyway, so what if I am wearing pink? Which I'm not."
"So nothing. It ain't nothing to me if you look like a girl."
"I do not look like a girl! And it's orange!"
"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"
"Yeah, but I never listened to you before, did I?"
"I'm not wearing pink. And I do not look like a girl."
"Like I said, it don't matter to me if you look like a girl. Unless "
"Your handwas not supposed toin public for God's sake! What are you, some kind of pervert?"
"Well, at least I know for sure you're not a girl."
"You've shared a bed with me; you already knew that."
"Yeah, but I didn't know-know it. And you are wearing pink."
"It's orange!"
"If you say so."
"I do say so, and whatwhat did you mean about not know-knowing I wasn't a girl? You seen me with no shirt, you know damn well I'm a boy."
"Mush, I'm gonna count to three and then hit you real hard if you don't tell me why you're smirking like that."
"I ain't smirking. It's just, you know, for a boy you don't really act like a boy."
"I do so!"
"Uh huh. When was the last time you went on a date, Kid? Or had a roll in the hay or whatever?"
"So I ain't dated a lotso what? It's not like you have, neither."
"Yeah, but I know I'm not a girl."
"You know I'm not, either."
"Yeah, but you are wearingow! You didn't have to hit me. Not my fault you don't act like a boy."
"Do so!"
"Whatever you say."
"What the hell are you talking about, anyway?"
"Look, Kid, this might be easier if I showed you instead of telling you. Okay?"
"Okay, fine. Justuhoh godGod, how'd you learn to do that with your tongue?"
"See, Blink, if you acted like a boy, you'd have soaked me for that."
"Yeah but youyou startled me. Is all. Do it again an'Mush! that was gonna be a threat!"
"Then it's a good thing you didn't finish the sentence, huh? So now you gonna beat me up 'cause I kissed you?"
"No. You'se my best friend."
"Yeah, but I'm a boy."
"So are you."
"So you're wearing pink an'owso you hit me for saying you got a pink shirt and not for kissing you? You'se nuts, Blink."
"I'm nuts? You're the one who keeps kissing me!"
"Twice isn't 'keep,' it's just"
"Hey, wait a sec. You say I don't act like a guy 'cause I didn't soak you for kissing me, but you keep kissing me!"
"Twice is not"
"There. That's three times."
"Blink, you kissed me. That's different."
"Well, you kissed back. So anyway, how come you keep doing that?"
"'Cause I like you, Kid."
"Yeah. Uh. I don't suppose youwell, you know that thing with my tongue? Yeah, that works on other body parts, too. If you're interested."
"Ifoh. Wait, Mush, you know I'm not a girl."
"Yeah, I know."
"You don't care none?"
"Oh. Hmm. Okay, then."
"So, maybe we'll sneak out for awhile tonight?"
"Sounds good."
"Sounds great. But Blink?"
"Your shirt is pink."