Better Than Nothing
"I'm tired, hungry, broke, and the headline is rotton. And it doesn't help that I'm in love with my best friend." ...Mush is having a bad day.
[G. Slash/angst. January '03.]
Blink wakes up in a holding cell after the rally. Luckily, Mush is there to keep him company.
[G. Slash/fluff. March '03.]
Near Miss
David gets to play, too.
[For Shimmerwings's birthday. G. Slash/fluff. March '03.]
Five Minutes
Snitch is in the refuge, on his birthday. And he's bored.
[For Snitch Week. G. Slash/fluff. April '03.]
Fashionably Late
"You're not making it any easier to get up, you know."
[For Mondie's birthday. G. Slash/fluff. April '03.]
"I always let you go 'cause you got a pretty face, Cowboy. But it ain't gonna be pretty no more when I get through with it."
[PG-13. Slash/creepy. April '03.]
The Life of a Working Girl
"You don't want a girlfriend, Jack, you want a mother."
[G. Angst. April '03.]
All Tied Up (And Nowhere To Go)
Blink wakes up, still tied to the bedpost.
[PG. Slash/fluff/bondage. April '03.]
Living In the Moment
You said it, damn you, you said it. I can still hear the words in my mind.
[PG. Slash/angst. May '03.]
In which Dutchy wants a kitten, and Specs visits his family.
[G. Slash/fluff. June '03.]
Friends, Family and Phone Calls
Blink planned to spend the day sulking, but Mush had other ideas.
[For Blink Week. G. Fluff/modern day. July '03.]
I don't know. Blame Blink!muse.
[G. Slash/fluff. August '03.]
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls / It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world / Except my Lola
[PG. Slash/songfic. November '03.]
End of a Century
In which Mush anticipates Y2K by a hundred years, and Blink puts up with him. Very short.
[G. Slash/silly. December '03.]
They both know it's over, but Spot isn't ready to let it go yet.
[PG-13. Slash/angst. December '03.]
Chocolate Milk
If it's too good to be true, it's probably a lie. Mush knows that, and he knows it so well he almost misses his one chance to make it real.
[PG. Slash/fluff. February '04.]
The internet makes communication easier... right?
[PG. Slash/fluff. August '04.]
I was Wendy, and Jack was my Peter Pan; the streets of New York were our Neverland. But I couldn't stay in Neverland forever. --Sarah's story, years post-strike.
[G. Gen/angst. September '05.]
Spot and Race discuss the proper method for carving a turkey. All dialogue, sheer silliness.
[PG-13. Slash/fluff. November '05.]
Hand Rolled
Racetrack likes to roll his own cigarettes, and Jack likes to watch.
[PG-13. Slash/UST. February, '06.]
Living Art
Once, Bumlets asked Dutchy why he only painted graffiti, not real art. Dutchy said because graffiti was real art, the art of the people. It was alive.
[R. Violence/language/slash. April '06.]
Jack and Spot cause trouble in the Refuge.
[For the Refuge's Birthday Extravaganza. G. Fluff/angst. May '08.]
There were things everyone knew about Spot Conlon.
[G. Slash/fluff. November '09.]
There were a lot of things Jack liked about winter, but when he thought about it, his favorite was all the extra clothing.
[G. Slash/fluff. December '09.]