All Tied Up (And Nowhere To Go)
It's probably a good thing the guys all know me so well. Otherwise, I think, they'd be surprised to see me in my current predicament. But they aren't, which is for the best; if they were surprised, I'd have to explain why exactly my arms are tied to my bedpost, and I really don't want to. They'd assume it's what it looks like, and, well Okay, it is exactly what it looks like. But I still don't really want to go into the gory details of my incredibly satisfying sex life.
Instead of asking questions, most of them just glance at me and roll their eyes. "Blink, again?" Jack asks, stopping on his way to the bathroom. "For the love a' God, You gotta get a new hobby, or a new boyfriend, or somethin'."
"Untie me?" I ask, ignoring the slight disapproving tone of his voice. As the oldest and the leader, he gets the fun job of explaining the facts of life to the youngest kids; I don't think he really appreciates it when things like this make them ask questions. He actually started telling them to ask me instead, but mostly they just wanted to know who I've been fooling around with, who's as into this stuff as I am, but I promised I'd keep my mouth shut, so I haven't told anyone.
Jack rolls his eyes. "Yeah, in a minute. Gotta go claim my bath."
"But Jack, all the hot water'll be gone!" I call after him, but he's already started walking again.
"That's why I'm going now, Blink," he yells back, waving over his shoulder.
I sigh. This is the third time this month But I make myself as comfortable as I can, sitting against my headboard, hands still firmly tied behind my back. Man, he knows how to make knots stay
It's amazing we didn't wake anyone up last night, now that I consider it. The beds here creak when they get banged on, and even though I may-or-may-not have been gagged, he wasn't, and there's nothing we can do about the bed.
Everyone else streams past me, used to this by now, like it's old news. Mush smirks as he goes by, but doesn't bother to ask how I got like this; I think he's the only one who guessed exactly who it is leaving me tied to my bed in the morning. Of course, most people think it's him anyway, and Mush's nice enough to let the rumor go unchecked, not denying it, though never agreeing with it, either. It keeps me from having to deal with too many questions.
"Good night last night?" he asks as he walks by.
"Naturally." I grin.
"Someday, someone's gonna wake up and catch the two of you," he points out.
"An' won't that be fun?" I respond cheerfully. Maybe too cheerfully for someone as tired out as I am now, or for someone whose arms have been asleep for as long as mine have, or for someone who probably should be more careful and hide things much better. But on the other hand, I'm just about as smug as anyone with a boyfriend as much fun as mine would be, so what do people expect?
"You got a real weird sense of fun, Kid." He smacks the back of my head as he steps past my bunk, taking advantage of the fact that I can't swat him back, and he doesn't do anything useful like untie me. You know, I think he and Jack and everyone are actually pretty amused by all this. I know my boyfriend is, and conveniently, Mush has shoved everyone else out into the bathroom or down the stairs, and done it subtle enough that no one noticed him leaving me and my boyfriend alone. I owe him one, but as I glance over at my lover, thoughts of everyone else fade from my mind.
Racetrack is still sitting on his bed, puffing at his cigar, not worried about the extreme lack of hot water in this house. He likes cold showers anyway. Finally, he stands up and walks over to me. "Morning," he greets me, kisses the top of my head, and walks out, leaving me to wait for Jack to come back and release me.
Race's got a sick sense of humor, I realize. But, you know, that's what I love about him.