paging_dr_dave (Davey) wrote in suite_110:
I thought we were all going to wash our OWN dishes?
mood: irritated
music: Beatles - Revolver
Hey, guys, my folks are coming to visit this weekend, so could whoever hasn't washed his dirty dishes (you know, the ones that have been sitting around in the sink collecting fruit flies and mold for three days?) please do so? I'd like my parents to maintain their delusions that I live with civilized people.
Re: I thought we were all going to wash our OWN dishes?
yankees_pirate (Blink) wrote:
if u want them washed y dont u wash them
Re: Re: I thought we were all going to wash our OWN dishes?
paging_dr_dave (Davey) wrote:
Because we decided at the beginning of the semester to all wash our own dishes, and I always do. I don't think asking other people (NOT that I'm naming names or accusing anyone) to do so is unreasonable. Also, they're gross, and I don't want to deal with a disgusting mess that I didn't make.
Also, your typing? Sucks.
Wow, been taking passive aggressive pills, Dave?
M_Squared (Blink's Snugglebunny) wrote:
Dave, come on, we all know whose dishes they are; just TALK to the person in question. There's no need for snippy LJ community messages. Maybe you should get your dose adjusted, hmm?
No, my dose is fine, thanks
paging_dr_dave (Davey) wrote:
Forgive me for making a general announcement--he who I'm STILL not blaming (even though yes, I know who he is)--is not the only one who forgets to do his dishes, so I thought everyone could use a reminder. Or is that not what this community is FOR?
Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
M_Squared (Blink's Snugglebunny) wrote:
I KNOW that's what the comm. is for, but geeze, it's not such a big deal to say "Hey, come on, wash your dishes" to one of your friends. You're sick of dirty dishes; I'm sick of passive aggression on your part. Not the first time THIS has happened, either.
Also, your cleaning habits are anal, and you should chill out.
Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
santafe_dreaming (Jack) wrote:
You're throwing a snit fit over a freaking LJ post, and you think HE needs to chill out? Also, Davey has mold allergies, cut him a break if he doesn't want to have a freaking reaction every time he walks into the kitchen. Bitch.
Re: Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
M_Squared (Blink's Snugglebunny) wrote:
Oh look, shocking, Jack shows up to defend his boyfriend, who's too freaking passive aggressive to reply to me himself, lest that actually lead to CONFLICT.
Davey, my room is two doors away, the door is open. Yell, and I can hear you!
Oh wait, you NEVER WILL because you have ISSUES.
Also, Jack, stay the hell out of it once in awhile. Just because Davey and I are fighting (look Dave! conflict! run away!) doesn't mean YOU have to get involved.
Re: Re: Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
santafe_dreaming (Jack) wrote:
Forgive me for making a DECENT POINT. Bitch.
(And we all know Blink would do the same for you.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
yankees_pirate (Blink) wrote:
fuck u
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
santafe_dreaming (Jack) wrote:
That's Mush's job.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
M_Squared (Blink's Snugglebunny) wrote:
>>That's Mush's job.
Damn straight it is.
My point still stands.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No, my dose is fine, thanks
santafe_dreaming (Jack) wrote:
>>My point still stands.
As does MINE, as does DAVID'S. So kindly STFUkthnx.
Are we resorting to netspeak now?
M_Squared (Blink's Snugglebunny) wrote:
Are we resorting to netspeak now, Jack? My point was just that David could, you know, come out of his room and talk to people. Nothing wrong with his request that the dishes get done. Nothing wrong with MY request, either. Jesus, you're touchy.
Re: Are we resorting to netspeak now?
santafe_dreaming (Jack) wrote:
OR, David could just as easily write a post in the LJ comm. we created for POSTS LIKE THESE. Oh no, that would be awful of him!
If you don't like netspeak, fine, how's this? Shut the fuck up.
Re: Re: Are we resorting to netspeak now?
yankees_pirate (Blink) wrote:
u stfu
Re: Re: Re: Are we resorting to netspeak now?
paging_dr_david (Davey) wrote:
Thank you for that enlightening comment, Blink.
Jack, Mush, come on. It's just DISHES. No need to fight.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Are we resorting to netspeak now?
M_Squared (Blink's Snugglebunny) wrote:
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. My point is proven.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Are we resorting to netspeak now?
santafe_dreaming (Jack) wrote:
Wow, you're an asshole.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Are we resorting to netspeak now?
yankees_pirate (Blink) wrote:
ur the asshole
Attn: Idiots I live with...
sh33pshead_gambler (Racetrack) wrote:
Wow, you're all dumbasses.
Blink, go wash your dishes; they're disgusting.
David, when you have a problem with someone, I promise it's really okay to talk to him. We're not gonna freak out; we're your FRIENDS.
Mush, take your own advice and walk the two doors down the hall to talk to David if you have problem.
Jack, stop being... you.
Jesus, you all wonder why I spend so much time in Spot's suite...
Re: Attn: Idiots I live with...
Anonymous wrote:
>> Jesus, you all wonder why I spend so much time in Spot's suite...
I thought that was because when you two have loud sex over here, it distracts Davey from his homework? Wasn't there a bitchy post about that a few weeks ago?
Here we go again...
sh33pshead_gambler (Racetrack) wrote:
Like they all said earlier, stfu.